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News & Ideas

Sparking conversation about all things digital.

In an industry moving at the speed of AI, learning never stops. We stay in the know with our heads in industry publications and our hands on the latest technology. Our passion for the latest and greatest drives our love for digital. It wouldn’t be fair to keep it to ourselves.
All Posts By: Parkway Digital
March 2, 2020

Designing for the Instagram grid

It's no secret that our favorite social media platform at Parkway is Instagram. While Facebook, Snapchat and Tik Tok have pigeonholed themselves into specific age demographics, Instagram has adapted to the changing times, appealing to a wide range of ages.…
Studio News
November 10, 2019

Getting to know Taylor

Hometown: Gasport, NY What is your background in? I thought for the longest time that I wanted to be a media planner, because I really enjoy both math and psychology. During my senior year at Ithaca College, I interned with a…